Contoh Tagline

LG – “Life’s Good” Apple – “Think Different” Harley Davidson – “American by birth Rebel by Choice” Lego – “Play On” Panasonic – “Ideas for…

Elements of persuasive speech

FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Figurative language is the use of language in a non-literal sense to create a rhetorical effect. Two types of figurative language are tropes…

What Matters Most in Internet Retailing?

Principle 1 Customer Acceptance of Online Retail Depends on Offline Shopping Costs Internet retailers can alter the cost-benefit trade-off shoppers by making things “closer” and more accessible, perhaps even at…

Segment Selection Criteria

Segment size Growth of segment Value of segment Stability Current company position within segment Ease of entry into segment Ease of competitive entry into segment…

Strong versus Weak Brands

Strong Brands Make clear promises that are kept overtime Have rich, unique brand equity, strong thoughts and feelings Are dependable and deliver consistently Have a…

5 Rationales for Brand Change

The identity/execution was poorly conceived: Can often be identified by measures of consumer interest, brand associations, sales. The target for the identity/execution is limited: May need to change…

Brand Element Choice Criteria

Memorable: Easily recognized, Easily recalled Meaningful: Descriptive, Persuasive Appealing: Fun and interesting, Rich visual and verbal imagery, Aesthetically Protectable: Legally, Competitively Adaptable: Flexible, Updateable Transferable: Within and across product categories, Across geographical boundaries and cultures